Friday, September 18, 2009

Gee why am I frustrated?????

OK I am trying to get a life with some money in it LOL. SO I had $10 in my bag, and was holding on to it for dear life! So my mom calls me this morning, saying they were looking for $10 to help get materials to finish off her step before my brother goes. My dad has parkinsons and a bad back and my brother is in from out of town. So I lend her the $10....I have a quarter left in my bag. I have money in the bank but thats for bills and bank fees that are due to come out today or Monday. I was talking to her and she tells me the stuff for the step was cheaper than they thought and my brother has done most of the work but will finish it this weekend. Hmmmm OK. I said I was broke, and she said well you sold something the other day its like yes I bought some food, went out for dinner with a friend and bought the greens etc yesterday. I would like the money for this evening in case I want to stop for a bite is my money! Oh well apparently she said she bought my uncle cigarettes with MY money!!! The nerve. His gambling his pension is not my problem!
I specifically don't lend her money due to that households problems. I offered to lend her money for a trip out of town for a medical appointment because she wouldn't get her pension until the day after she got back. Now she is looking for it now. Its bad knowing your lending money for her to gamble and drink. I don't offer and have been doing really well with not lending her money!
I don't know she is now waiting to hear from the loan company to see if she can get money from them I hope she does...gets me off the hook.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions...mines full of of diamonds and gold and gems but it always comes back to bite me in the ass!!

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