Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Organization and Prioritizing

I sometimes think of what I am. I am a person who is a daydreamer and a procrastinator and I often try not to let people down. I need to change that. I need to get myself organized and prioritize. I always say I am broke not poor. I like nice things, I have nice things, I have a lot of things. I have a mortgage I pay myself I had a loan last year to get the bathroom totally redone and the floors and painting done. Credit is a dangerous thing for a gambler. I don't cope well sometimes and I go back into bad behaviour. I am not poor, I have my cable, I have the internet and cell phones etc and nice jewelry and clothes and cosmetics. I have food in my freezer and cupboards. I am purchasing a few things now for my home, but thats for the home to make it more comfortable for myself. My husband was saying to me yesterday you don't NEED to pick up the lamp, but I feel I do, its on sale, I have no lamp ( my brothers one is here but I don't want to take advantage of it, even though my shed is full of his crap). I just need to get organized and get things on track. Working the hours that I work has thrown me off track. I want new things for here and this is the chance I just need to pay the bills first not always get what I want.
I don't need much only to pay my bills, rest and eat properly. One day I am hoping to get back on track. My home is not so hectic and I have to get rid of the stuff I can't sell. I have to get the time and the energy to do a cooking day, get the supplies and go for it. If I have food frozen it will be easier for me to eat. I need to start picking up bottled water etc for the school lunches for the kids.
Its just a long road to travel on.

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