Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Like I didn't know

Ok here is the thing I am fat. Yup I know people hate that word but you know what its true. Might as well call myself that, society seems to think its OK to insult and attack a person verbally for their size. One thing about me though is I try to take care of myself properly. What I look like not only is a reflection on me, but my kids, my family and the man that I love. I am lucky now I can take better care of myself. I do have cosmetics ( I don't wear it all the time though), I can afford to get my hair cut, I can afford to be picky over the clothing that I wear.
One of my coworkers told another coworker that she couldn't go swimming and when it was mentioned that I was big as well she replied yes but I am attractive. That was nice to know ! And the coworker who told me that said yes I was because I take care of myself.
There was a point in my life when I was poor, had holes in my pants, ugly shirts and had to cut my own hair. But that was that part of my life. When I was depressed around that time showers weren't a priority sometimes. But I am not in that phase of my life, I come from a family of clean people which helps. Not just clean but always aware of their appearance. Not high maintenance but know what needs to be done...shower, hair, clothing doesn't have to be fancy but clean and suitable.
So just because I am fat...doesn't mean that I don't care. But like I said what you do or what you look like can reflect on who you are with and who you are.

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