Monday, March 2, 2009

Makes you think and put things in perspective

I have bad days, not as much as I used to and that all depends on what that day brings, lack of sleep, lack of food, hormonal etc. I do try to get out of my funks in different ways. First off don't dwell if I can help....its like a whirlpool you get caught up and it twists and twists and twists and all it does is drag you down. So one thing I try to do is say to myself so really whats so bad in your life? You have your health, so thats a good thing, you have your family, I can pick up the phone and call them...and I have a lot to call! I have a roof over my head and food in the fridge, and I have heat, tv, internet so where is the problem. I can downsize where some people don't have that option. Its not the greatest life but its still mine. When I talk to my children I have learned that I say I love you when I say good bye.....because it could be the last time I talk to them ever. No one plans to die. I really do believe that that saying don't sweat the small stuff is true. I just have to decide whats small in relation to other things.

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