Friday, February 27, 2009


Night before last I had a weird nap dream thing. I sometimes find that those dreams that happen in 20 minutes or so can have very vivid dreams. I dreamt that I was in HIS town in a hotel, my kids were there as well and I was sitting there waiting for him to show up. He was late, but when he showed up he had is daughter with him and introduced me to her..her name was Brenna and she was about 16 dark hair, looked a bit like him. Thing is he doesn't have a daughter. Another part of the dream was we were naked on a balcony...yeah I know weird and weirder. He put a ring on my finger in the dream, it changed but it was still there. I sometimes look online on dream sites...heres what it said about a ring:

*To see a ring in your dream, symbolizes emotional wholeness, continuity and commitments. If the ring is on your finger, then it signifies your commitment to a relationship or a successful new endeavor. It also indicates your loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities, or beliefs.

*To dream that you receive a ring, denotes that your suspicions and worries over you lover will end. You will come to realize that he is true to his heart and will devote himself to your interest.

I don't know what to think of that. Is a dream just a dream?

Ho Hum

Been a few days I know. No progress on any fronts these days. Normal things that people take for granted, like waking up with someone they love, sitting down watching TV or going for a ride in a car and holding hands....thats not a daily part of my life. Spending time with family and friends is rare as well. Seems like I spend a lot of time alone or working. I said last night while chatting with HIM I would love to be able to work about six weeks straight then have at least a week off. Taking time off is hard to do when your job doesn't have paid days off, sick days etc. A little bit of normalcy would be nice.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stop the world I want to get off!

Yeah I know its been awhile if anyone reads these things. I have been busy with work. too much work and no play. All it seems to be that I do is go to work, come home and maybe get to chat with HIM if he is on the road. I did try to gamble and of course lost. So here I am back here when I have some time off. Yesterday I finally got frustrated and ate, and ate and ate. Matter of fact still eat. Nothing better to do sometimes. Hoping to get some things sorted out next week at the hospital. Then getting taxes done, I just have to manage my money better when I have any...just in case this job goes ass up which seems loaming in the near future.
Need a mental kick in the butt...but right now this is it