Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Great more bad news

I guess I find out this week if I am getting laid off or not. I am so afraid right now. I hate where I am and praying that I get to go to school but thats not until January. So if I get laid off I have no money before Christmas. My husbands solution is he pays for the kids stuff, but I have to pay him back (thats no surprise I wouldn't expect him to be anything else but a idiot) and I have to keep the kids while he does that. He doesn't care that I won't have money for six weeks and have kids living here? I am frustrated with this and I have to keep going. When I first told him I might get laid off he asked about money I owed him to make sure he gets it.
He wants me to wait for my birthday gift, once again I don't expect anything else from him. I am letting the kids know what he said. His old bag slut of a girlfriends birthday is same month as mine, and I want to know if she will get hers on time.
I am tired of being treated like someone who is so insignificant to everyone that I don't matter. How I feel doesn't matter, how they treat me doesn't matter.
If I didn't have my kids I wouldn't have anything to keep me going. Sometimes its a very fine line that keeps me going...I am hoping it doesnt' snap any time soon. My kids deserve more than that.

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