Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tired and Stressed

Well I am so very tired and stressed these days. I actually slept last night for a few hours straight for a change. Shift work is killing me. I heard from the University, they are reviewing my application. Its a long time to put my life on hold I have to go to school for four years then I have to work for the funding company for four years. A return in service contract has to be signed. Then I have to work within the organizations claims area. That means that I can't make any major life decisions for about eight years. If I do leave I have to repay everything. BUT thats it I will be secure more or less from the age of 50 or so. I will have a government job and will be able to move around to different social service departments.
I wish I could get a break though. I mean a real break. I spoke to my husband and told him he will take the kids back on my birthday. He wants to know why not wait until the following week. Its like you know what I have to start school the following week and I would like to have at least one day to myself. Not too much to ask I don't think.
Now I have to wait. and wait. and wait.

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