Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wondering what to do

Wondering what to do with myself again. I just worked a 80 hour week, tired but went out last night and it was pathetic. I am at a bit of a loss. What direction do I want to take with my life? Whats going on with work? I don't want to lose the hours for next week or the next two weeks. I don't think I will get them though. If I am offered work in another home do I take it to make sure I work but it will be more stressful. My friend was flirting with me again online this morning, I enjoyed it because it was bantering back and forth, he would say he could stay here I would be very happy and he said no hands involved. I said how can he cut the grass, paint the living room and tear down my back step with no hands! I went to sleep here on the couch at 2 and up by 8 and work calling me asking about a movie. Its 8 am on Sunday what was the rush? I am not interested in a lot of things anymore. I am not going out looking for sex, I am not into that anymore although I often think that the man that I loved has had his fair share of sex since he ended it thats all he wanted I think.
My friend she is a good person but right now she has gone into the negativity and I have tried talking to her about it. I am going to have to try and back off for a bit. I think she is part of the reason why I am down today.
I have worked hard to get out of that mind set. LOL most days now I just wish I had "stuff". Just small things but just that female mindset of getting a new pair of shoes etc. When I went out last night I wasn't feeling good about myself. I need to focus on myself. With the possibility of my job being gone I have bought food, and want to catch up on things before it happens. I have found a washer and dryer thats within my price range. So I am thinking should I invest some money in those, I don't' have the money now but maybe by the end of the month.
I am feeling a little lonely too I think. I am tired of going out and ending up eating with my friend. I don't feel good and I don't like how she tries to say she doesn't go to the chicken place only with me. I didn't go before her and she has let it slip she has gone a few times a week. I told her yesterday I can't make plans now until I know whats going on at work.
I miss my counsellor. I miss that connection. I am a bit calmer again because I can't worry about what I can't control. I can try to help figure out what we can do but I can't make someone not let me go from my job or cut my hours. I won't drive myself nuts. I have been down that path before. I don't want to go that way. I have been trying to get my friend not to be that way either. If she isn't going to change or at least reconsider how she handles things like I said I am going to have to back off from her for a few days. My life is my priority and negativity is like a cold, one person has it and if your around it too long you catch it too.
LOL I just want some fun and relaxation.....soon!

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